Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Does Pro-Bible Equal Pro-Life? with Dale Rose
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
In this Episode of DEFENDING THE FAITH, Dr. Frank Harber interviews guest Dale Rose on “Does Pro-Bible Equal Pro-Life?”
Why are most Christians strongly pro-life?
From the first century, Christians have been against abortion and infanticide. It has been the Christian view for 2000 years that all humans are of equal moral worth regardless of age, ability or anything else. Only the Judeo-Christian worldview supports and has promoted this revolutionary idea.
The Bible condemns child sacrifice. In the Old Testament the child was sacrificed to Moloch and Baal, whereas today it is commonly the false gods of convenience and autonomy.
The Bible teaches that to end the life of a human being made in God's image is a serious sin.
Does an unborn child to have their right to life legally protected?
Dale Rose explains why Christians shouldn't be afraid to stand against abortion.
Dale Rose is an international evangelist who now does 25 to 30 crusades and church revivals annually and conducts international short-term missions. He and his wife Millie also own and operate E&E Shoe Brokerage (a wholesale business) for which they often say that they “are in the soul/sole business!”
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Reclaiming Biblical Manhood with Dr. Teddy Sorrells
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
In this Episode of DEFENDING THE FAITH, Dr. Frank Harber interviews guest Dr. Teddy Sorrells on “Reclaiming Biblical Manhood.”
In the postmodern world, few topics invite as much controversy as discussions of gender. There is rising controversy in our world concerning the definitions of “men” and “women.” But the Bible has much to say on this topic. The Bible is also quite clear on this topic and gives us definitions. This sets up an inevitable clash with culture. In this episode Dr. Teddy Sorrells speaks to this issue and lays out the four pillars of Biblical Manhood.
Dr. Sorrells is Senior Pastor of Living Water Church in Gladewater Texas. He has many earned degrees including the Master of Arts in Theological Studies, Master of Divinity in Church History, and a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
The Importance of Israel with Dr. Gary Frazier
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
In this Episode of DEFENDING THE FAITH, Dr. Frank Harber interviews guest Dr. Gary Frazier on “The Importance of Israel.”
Nothing demonstrates how God keeps His promises better than the story of Israel. Israel becoming an independent nation once again is truly miraculous! Many ancient prophecies regarding Israel that have happened are unfolding even today. This subject is of supreme importance for all those who want to know the truth about the historical and future role of Israel in the world.
Dr. Frazier shows us that in keeping epic promises to the nation of Israel, God’s provision for each of us is sure, perfect, and on time, every time. God will fulfill his promises!
Gary Frazier is the founder and President of Discovery Missions. He is a respected speaker and writer on the subject of Bible prophecy and current events, has appeared on numerous documentaries, the History Channel, and national radio programs. Authoring numerous books, he is a contributor to the Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible, The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy, and travels nationally speaking in many of America’s largest churches. He has degrees from Criswell College, Southwestern Seminary and Louisiana Baptist University, his Doctor of Humanities degree from Liberty University and Doctor of Divinity from International Seminary in Plymouth, FL.
Friday Jul 29, 2022
City Shaking Prayer with Dr. Kie Bowman
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
In this Episode of DEFENDING THE FAITH, Dr. Frank Harber interviews guest Dr. Kie Bowman on city shaking prayer.
We know from Scripture and history that prayer movements precede revivals. Dr. Kie Bowman offers pastors and leaders a blueprint to assist them in leading city prayer movements wherever they serve.
Imagine a city where hundreds of churches and thousands of believers pray in an unceasing way, 24/7, for their community and for revival and spiritual awakening. Dr. Bowman’s new book “City of Prayer: Transform Your Community through Praying Churches” tells such a story. It shows how this can happen in any community.
Since 1997, Dr. Kie Bowman has served as Senior Pastor of Hyde Park Baptist Church in Austin, Texas. He holds a Doctorate of Ministry from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where he also serves as a trustee. He is the president of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, and has authored five books and contributed to over a dozen others. He is an international speaker, recently preaching keynote sermons at the Southern Baptist Convention and at the National Day of Prayer Leadership Summit.
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
New Evidence For A Global Flood with Dr. Nick Liguori
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
In this Episode of DEFENDING THE FAITH, Dr. Frank Harber interviews guest Nick Liguori on new evidence for a global flood.
More than 300 Flood traditions from all over North and South America are included, organized by regions beginning in Canada and proceeding southward.
In Echoes of Ararat, author Nick Liguori contends that oral traditions of the Flood and the survival of the few inside the floating Ark-are even more prevalent than previously thought, and they powerfully confirm the truth of the Genesis account.
This unprecedented work carefully documents hundreds of native traditions of the Flood-as well as the Tower of Babel and the Garden of Eden-from the tribes of North and South America.
Learn what the Cherokee, Lakota, Iroquois, Cheyenne, Inuit, Inca, Aztec, Guaraní, and countless other tribes claimed about the early history of the world.
Liguori also shares many evidences for the historical reliability of Genesis, and shows that the Genesis Flood account is not dependent on the Epic of Gilgamesh or other Near-Eastern texts, as skeptics claim. Rather, its author Moses had access to ancient records passed down by the early Patriarchs, including Joseph, Jacob, Abraham, and even Noah himself.
Between Scripture and the geological-paleontological record, the effects of the Flood are clearly seen. There is, however, a third indication of this worldwide, devastating event—the universal flood legends recorded by all the major people groups of Earth. If “the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished” (2 Peter 3:6), it would undoubtedly leave an indelible memory of the generations following the Flood.
As people groups spread and migrated after the Tower of Babel, they would carry with them the Flood story. Through the centuries, stories of the Flood were passed on to each generation via early patriarchs such as Joseph, Jacob, and Abraham, records that Moses had access to. As the years went by in some parts of the world, there would be editing and embellishments of the Flood event, but the basic story of judgment via a worldwide deluge, the preservation of a remnant in a structure, and the events directly afterwards would be preserved. The account of the Flood in Genesis comes from Noah himself and is written and edited by Moses and is not dependent on Near Eastern texts. Knowing this, a wise historian would search out similarities between Moses’ Flood story and the flood stories told in other cultures.
Nick Liguori is a civil engineer and a researcher. He has applied his knowledge of biblical history to painstakingly put together a compendium of Flood traditions from North and South America. His 2021 book documents these fascinating oral traditions. Entitled Echoes of Ararat (Master Books, 298 pages), Liguori shows the reader that the critical opening chapters of Genesis are true and historically accurate. Such Flood traditions have been found to be even more prevalent than was originally thought, offering Liguori’s book as a fresh new resource for those interested in Flood geology and early biblical history.
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
After God’s Heart with Dr. Deron Biles
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
In this Episode of DEFENDING THE FAITH, Dr. Frank Harber interviews guest Dr. Deron Biles on being a person "after God’s heart.”
Throughout history, God has been looking for faithful men and women. In the story of David, we meet a man God found. Throughout David’s life, we learn about the riches of God’s grace, the heights of God’s love, the depths of His patience, the trauma of our sin, and the dependability of God’s Promises. David was a good man. But he was also a sinful man. He loved God, served God, obeyed God, and worshiped God. He also failed God … a lot. At times he sought God, and, at other times, he seemed to avoid Him. In the end, the hero of this story isn’t David. Maybe the times when David forgot that are the moments of his deepest failures. The story of David is a story about God. It’s a story about a seeking, loving, holy, and faithful God. God saw David. He saw David’s humility in his obscurity, and He saw David’s arrogance in his prominence. Through everything and despite everything, God loved David, sought David, chose David, and used David. Believers today can be encouraged that God wants to do the same for us. He loves you, is seeking you, is calling you, and wants to use you. The question you must answer is: What will it take for you to become a man or a woman after God’s heart?
Dr. Deron J. Biles and his wife, Jaye, have four sons and six grandchildren. Dr. Biles graduated from Howard Payne University in Brownwood in 1989 with a BA in Bible and History; received an MDivBL from Southwestern Seminary in 1992; and a Ph.D. from Southwestern in Old Testament in 1997.
Dr. Biles served as a Pastor for 15 years. He is currently the Pastor of Pastor of Sunnyvale FBC. He has also served as Interim Pastor in twelve Churches.
Dr. Biles is the author After God’s Heart: Becoming Who God is Seeking. He previously edited The Ministry of a Shepherd, published by Broadman and Holman. He is also the author of After God's Heart: Becoming the Man God is Seeking along with its companion volume entitled, After God’s Heart: Becoming the Man God is Seeking. A Forty-Day Bible Study. He is the co-author of the book, Seminary Education by Extension: Process, Principles, and Practices. In addition, he has written or co-written manuals for Pastor Search Committees, making resumes, Interim Ministry, and Associational ministry. He is currently writing on Church Revitalization.
Dr. Biles previously served as Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He previously served as the Minister/Church Relations Director for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention before coming to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in June 2006.
Dr. Biles and his wife reside in Sunnyvale Texas.
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Christianity vs Mormonism with Preston Condra
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
In this Episode of DEFENDING THE FAITH, Dr. Frank Harber interviews guest Preston Condra on Christianity vs Mormonism.
Mormons are some of the kindest and nicest people around. Their views on family and morality are similar to Christians. They even call themselves Christians. But are Mormon’s Christian.
There are actually giant differences between Mormons and Christians when it comes to how they view God, the Bible, salvation, and other important issues.
Preston Condra is the Founder at Sufficient Word Ministries. He has co-authored ten books: "By Which We Are Saved," "I Have Some Good News," "Bearing Fruit or Living Barren," "Papa Let's Talk," "Faith in Difficult Times," God's Will: Read All About It," "Can I Ask You A Question," "Answers: Jesus and the Christian Message," "Asking The Question" training guide, and "Asking The Question" facilitator's guide. He frequently speaks in churches, conferences and appears as a guest on media broadcasts.
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Overturning Roe v. Wade and Stopping Forced Abortions! with Michael Walton
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
In this Episode of DEFENDING THE FAITH, Dr. Frank Harber interviews guest Michael Walton on Overturning Roe v. Wade and Stopping Forced Abortions.
Roe v. Wade has been overturned!” This episode discusses Norma McCorvey, formerly “Roe” of Roe v. Wade and the important affidavit that she signed concerning abortion. After working in numerous abortion clinics Norma McCorvey changed her mind. Find out why in this episode. Michael Walton also discussed the problem of “forced abortions.”
Michael Walton works for The Justice Foundation. The Justice Foundation was founded in 1993, it seeks to protect the fundamental freedoms and rights essential to the preservation of American society by providing free legal services to promote those rights. Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation, was lead counsel for Norma McCorvey, formerly “Roe” of Roe v. Wade, from 2000 to 2012, and Sandra Cano, the “Doe” of Doe v. Bolton, until 2014 in their efforts to overturn the two landmark cases that brought legalized abortion on demand to America.
The Justice Foundation’s “Center Against Forced Abortions” or “CAFA” provides legal resources to mothers who are being forced or coerced into an unwanted abortion.
The Justice Foundation also represents the women of Operation Outcry, a ministry of The Justice Foundation that seeks to end the pain of abortion in America and around the world by mobilizing women hurt by abortion to become witnesses who share their true stories of the devastating effects of abortion through courts and legislatures. Operation Outcry holds the largest collection in the world of legally admissible, written testimonies from women hurt by abortion.
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Prayer That Works! with Dr. Dan Crawford
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
In this Episode of DEFENDING THE FAITH, Dr. Frank Harber interviews guest Dr. Dan Crawford on “Prayer That Works!”
Why should we pray? How do we pray? What is prayer that works?
Dr. Dan R. Crawford is Senior Professor of Evangelism and Missions, and occupant of the Chair of Prayer Emeritus at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also President Disciple All Nations, Inc. and author/compiler of twenty-six books, including The Prayer-Shaped Disciple, Giving Ourselves to Prayer, and Morning Manna: Hidden and Unhidden.
He has traveled and ministered in all fifty states, plus fifty-nine countries, and served as Interim Pastor of twenty-six churches. He and his wife, Joanne have two children, two grandchildren, and one great grandchild. They reside in Fort Worth.
D.Min., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; B.A., Howard Payne University
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Evangelism Made Easy with Dr. Matt Queen
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
In this Episode of DEFENDING THE FAITH, Dr. Frank Harber interviews guest Dr. Matt Queen on “Evangelism Made Easy.”
What are some effective ways to approach people to talk about Christianity? What is a good plan to talk about Christ? Dr. Matt Queen answers these questions and more!
Dr. Queen serves as associate dean, L.R. Scarborough Chair of Evangelism (“Chair of Fire”), and professor of evangelism. Dr. Queen’s research and writing focus primarily on the gospel message, personal evangelism, and congregational evangelism.
He holds a Ph.D. in Applied Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.Div., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; and a B.A. in Religion, Mars Hill College.
Dr. Queen is the author of the forthcoming book Still with Christ, After the Lost: A Textbook for Contemporary Evangelism (B&H Academic, 2023), and Everyday Evangelism, 3rd Ed. (Seminary Hill Press, 2020). He has also contributed articles for the Southwestern Journal of Theology and The Journal of Mid-America Baptist Theological Journal.
Dr. Queen regularly leads Evangelism Workshops and preaches in churches across the country. He and his family are members of Lane Prairie Baptist Church in Joshua, Texas.
Select Publications:
- Mobilize to Evangelize: The Pastor and Effective Congregational Evangelism (Seminary Hill Press, 2018)
- And You Shall Be My Witnesses: 31 Devotionals to Encourage a Spirit of Everyday Evangelism. Matt Queen and Alex Sibley, eds. (Seminary Hill Press, 2019)
- Everyday Evangelism 3rd Ed. (Seminary Hill Press, 2020)